LEOCOMP2 CONSCIOUS INNOVATION - Development Programme for Senior Managers 28 Sep 2021

Workshops: 28/09/2021, 05/10/2021, 12/10/2021 and 19/10/2021 followed by Mentoring
Business Training

Innovation has many interpretations, and senior managers can be challenged in communicating a meaningful innovation strategy that resonates with their employees, is embedded in their strategy, and provides the potential for exponential growth and profitability. The CONSCIOUS INNOVATION - DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR SENIOR MANAGERS provides a framework for Conscious Innovation that helps senior managers to understand innovation value creation in their business, how to harness and advocate for this opportunity, and build a sustainable and profitable income stream from their innovation strategy.

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Conscious Innovation

Conscious Innovation is a programme designed to deliver a workable innovation approach for your SME.

Workshops and mentoring are based on the “House of InnovationTM concept developed by Lead Innovation in conjunction with the University of Vienna. This holistic, strategic innovation management development programme will upskill you with the building blocks of the House of Innovation: this starts with strategy at the top but quickly breaks down into structures and processes where rapid and complete innovation can take place. Innovation culture is developed once success and processes are in place and understood.

The Conscious Innovation programme is designed to enable you to harness and drive your innovation strategy to deliver innovative processes, products or improved operations that your customer is willing to pay for. ‘Innovation only matters when it is in the hand of a paying customer’ Conscious Innovation will use live projects from your company to embed the skills learned through the workshops and mentoring.

Programme Tools:

Innovation Healthcheck

This teaches you about innovation and produces a scorecard that that evaluates and develops awareness and progress with your innovation agenda. The Healthcheck is used at the beginning of the programme, after the four workshops and post the mentoring sessions also. That way, you can see your own development.

4 Workshops:

Innovation Strategy in small companies. Who are the innovators and what type of innovation.

The role of Technology in Innovation

Organising Innovation, and Innovation Culture – includes Company Project

Bringing this together in our company – includes Company Project


3 x 2 hrs with senior management team

Development of company projects identified during the workshops


Bespoke innovation pathway with KPIs following assessment of innovation status, project potential to add value for the company, resource identification, allocation, product launch map, funding signposts, etc

The Conscious Innovation programme has been designed to deliver real value in your business by stimulating innovation that your customer is willing to pay for.

Contact details:

For further information please contact Maria Couchman, Economic Development Officer – Carlow County Council – Local Enterprise Office.

MCouchman@carlowcoco.ie or phone 086-8383734

This programme is funded under the EU Competitive Fund.

NB:  Workshops will be 2.5 hours in duration, followed by 3 mentoring sessions before Christmas and a final mentoring session 6 months after the 3rd session