Irish Point of Single Contact ( (PSC).
- Background information - The Irish Point of Single Contact
The main role of the PSC is to provide general information on the procedures required for Irish/EU Businesses who intend operating in Ireland. (e.g. procedures required for working as an Architect in Ireland).
The PSC is also part of the European Commission EUGO Network of Points of Single Contact established in each EU country. ( Irish businesses can use the EUGO Network as a key information resource when operating in the Single Market. (e.g. If intending doing business in France - contact the French Point of Single Contact for information on the relevant procedures required).
The Irish Point of Single Contact (PSC) was established as the Point of Single Contact for Ireland as required under the Services Directive 2006/123/EC (213KB PDF).
- Redesign of the PSC, and additional enhancements
For the purpose of improving the functioning and the sophistication of the PSC, the site was recently redeveloped and redesigned incorporating a number of significant improvements.
These include the following:
- Redesign of the PSC home page - Incorporating a more user-friendly business life cycle format ensuring better usability (i.e. information on the key procedures for doing business in Ireland is available on the PSC - such as starting a business, and establishing a place of business)
- Enhanced information content - This includes a general overview of Ireland’s political, economic and cultural life (Ireland Overview), and a directory of all Government Departments, State Agencies and Irish Embassies in the EU together with direct links and relevant contact details. Detailed information is also available on the PSC on the administrative procedures required for key services doing business in Ireland (e.g. accountants, auditors, construction services, and starting a food business).
- Online information - A comprehensive catalogue is provided in an A-Z format of all licences/permits required by the different Government Departments and competent authorities, with additional online services available for business