Digital Innovation 10 Practical Steps Webinar 8th March LEO241204

8th March
1pm - 2pm
Enterprise Week

Small Steps, Big Impact: 10 practical steps to Digital Innovation.This presentation will demonstrate the practicality and effectiveness of digitalization and illuminate the path on how micro and small businesses can introduce digital technologies in a cost-effective, accessible way.

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The primary objective of this address is to equip industry professionals and businesses with an understanding of the practical applications Digitalization can have for small businesses. Through an exploration of real-world examples, attendees will gain actionable insights and practical ideas into how they can introduce technologies within their operations and elevate their business.

Key Highlights

  1. Holistic Overview of the Digital Landscape
    • Introduction to the digital landscape, how it is useful to business, and how it can address specific business challenges
    • Address its transformative power in increasing efficiency in micro/small businesses
  2. Tailored Solutions for Micro/SMEs
    • Highlight how digital technologies can create solutions to issues that are uniquely related to micro businesses.
    • Exploration of how digital implementations can be introduced and adapted as the business scales to not overwhelm key resources.
    • Emphasis on user-friendly interfaces for applications, especially for business professions who may not have a technological background.
  3. Real-World Success Stories and Case Studies
    • Showcase examples of how digital technologies have been utilized and operational processes improved in businesses at a regional, national and international level.
    • Highlight key areas where applications can be introduced in common business processes such as customer service and inventory management.
    • Open discussion with participants on how they can replicate these real-life examples in their own businesses and what impacts and outcomes they could foresee.
  4. Understanding How to Introduce Digitalization without a Tech Background
    • Breakdown of the barriers that attendees may believe stop them from implementing within their business, such as a lack of technical expertise.
    • Provide insights on how businesses can identify and adapt user-friendly tools and where they can obtain upskilling on each.
    • Discussion of support networks and financial supports that are available to them to assist in the adoption of these technologies.
  5. Identifying and Overcoming Challenges
    • Open discussion on what attendee's feel are the greatest challenges in the adoption of Digitalization within their business.
    • Exploration of the cost associated with a variety of applications and discussion of ROI.
    • A deep five into how attendees can curate a culture of innovation within their respective businesses by highlighting improvements in productivity, cost savings etc.
  6. Overview of Accessible Digital Tools
    • Brief overview on what technologies and applications exist, cost associated, and functionality of each.
  7. Action Plan for introducing Digital Tools
    • A roadmap that empowers attendees to navigate the digital landscape confidently.
    • Summary of next steps a business can take in assessing their need for digital tools within the business.


Stuart Nelson - Director of Operations & Program Development at Jigsaw Better Business

Professional Summary: Stuart Nelson, a seasoned professional with over 25 years of experience in management, leadership, coaching, and consultancy, currently serves as the Director of Operations & Program Development at Jigsaw Better Business.

Dates: 8th March 2024

Time: 1pm 

Cost: Free