Developing Your Marketing Strategy

CITC Building, Dublin Road, Cavan
10th & 24th October
10am to 1pm

Do you want to learn how to effectively market your business? You can save time, money and energy by having a proper strategy in place. This programme will help you do just that.


Course Details:

Date: Thursday 10th & 24th October

Time: 10am to 1pm

Venue: Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre, Dublin Road, Cavan, H12 R6D6.

Follow Up: This programme also include 2 oneto-one sessions with the trainer where you will be able to get help and advice specific to your business. 


Face into 2025 with confidence, armed with all the essential marketing knowledge and skills you need to grow your business.

This programme consists of two in-person training workshops in Cavan, plus one-to-one meetings online to discuss your own particular business and its market.

Whatever your industry, strategically managing your marketing is key to success. Fully understanding the steps involved in marketing strategy and communications will help you plan your activity in a targeted manner, reaching your identified audiences with the correct messaging across the correct channels.


What will be covered:

  • Strategic marketing.
  • Outlining what your business has and has not, what it is good at and what needs improvement.
  • Identifying your USPs and learning to communicate them.
  • Target marketing – who are you trying to reach?
  • Branding – what differentiates your business, its products and services from your competitors and theirs?
  • The Four Ps of Marketing – product, price, place and promotion.
  • The additional Three Ps of Services Marketing – people, physical evidence and processes.
  • Pro-active marketing – looking at your website SEO, your social media, email marketing, use of video and more.

What you need :

Bring your thinking cap, so you can reflect on and improve how your business carries out its marketing. Please have your laptop, mobile phone, paper and pen to hand.

About the Trainer: 

This programme will be delivered by Barry Murphy, Murphy Marketing on behalf of Local Enterprise Office Cavan.