Pricing Strategy Explained

Online via Zoom
6th & 7th November
6:30pm to 8pm

Business costs have increased but do your prices reflect that? This course will help you make sure that your product or service is priced correctly.


Course Details: 

Date: Wednesday 6th & Thursday 7th November

Time: 6:30pm to 8pm

Venue: Online via Zoom

Costing & Pricing

Determining the right price for your new product or service can be one of the most challenging tasks any business faces, all the more so if, you’re a Start-up. In competitive markets, getting your price right can be the difference between success and failure. This short course looks at the basics of how to cost your product / service and to understand the market in which you are selling to price with confidence. The course will provide participants will simple costing tools to clarify how costs are arrived at and ways of pricing which ensure profitable returns.

Topics include:

  • Cost analysis – fixed costs and variable costs
  • Breakeven Analysis
  • The Forces on Price
  • The relationship between Price and Demand
  • Pricing with confidence


This course will be provided by Francis Verling, Verling Consulting, on behalf of LEO Cavan.