Boost your Business with an Energy Efficiency Grant


Join us for an information session on how adopting green practices not only protects the environment but can also save you money.


Boost your Business with an Energy Efficiency Grant

Green for Business

With climate change, rising resource costs, changing regulations & changing customer expectations; adopting an eco-friendlier approach is the best way forward for business. LEO Clare is here to support your business to become more sustainable with the Green for Business programme.

In this information session, Shane Mooney of Speco Services Environmental / Health & Safety Consultants will explain how adopting green practices not only protects the environment, but can also save you money. Discover how the programme can provide you with advice & technical support covering topics such as resource efficiency, understanding carbon footprint, implementing an environmental management system & steps to reduce costs and lower greenhouse gas emissions.


Shane will also be discussing how to apply for the Energy Efficiency Grant. The Energy Efficiency Grant supports the investment in technologies & equipment of enterprises following on from a Green for Business Report. 
Our guest speaker will be Emmet O'Brien of Poplar Tree Services. Emmet, who is a former participant of Green For Business, will showcase the benefits associated with the programme.


Past participants have reported adopting a ‘greener’ policy has offered a number of benefits to their business, including:
  • Increased cost savings
  • Improved resource efficiency (for example: using less energy, water and materials)
  • Reduced environmental footprint and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Opportunities for higher and additional value on products and services
  • Increased access to customers, improved corporate image
  • Increased resilience to climate change impacts
Our LEO representative will provide a brief overview of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), highlighting its role in fostering collaboration between Europe and your business, its benefits & outlining key activities.

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