Women In Business: Daring to Dream

The Inn at Dromoland

Join us for a morning of networking, facilitated by the LEO Clare. Sinead Crowther shares her journey developing the innovative solution, Tonstix. From branding & marketing to raising 1.4 million in investment, Sinead covers it all. Don’t miss her valuable tips for business owners during the Q&A session, followed by a lively round table industry discussion.


Women In Business: Daring to Dream

When you find the solution to one big problem - The story behind Tonstix


Sinead Crowther will join the Local Enterprise Office Clare women in business network on Wednesday 11th September. Sinéad Crowther is Tonstix Creator & CEO of Soothing Solutions Ltd, a Pharmaceutical Technician with more than 25 years’ experience in retail pharmacy. 

Join us for an inspiring morning of networking, hosted by the Local Enterprise Office Clare. This event kicks off with facilitated networking. At 10:30am, Sinead Crowther takes the stage, sharing her journey behind developing the innovative solution known as Tonstix. From branding & marketing to raising 1.4 million in investment, Sinead covers it all. Learn about team building, sales strategies, & the future of her business. Plus, gain valuable tips for fellow business owners during the Q&A session. Stick around for a lively round table industry discussion based on delegate questions and needs.


10:00am - Registration Tea/Coffee/Networking

10:15am - Welcome by Local Enterprise Office Clare

10:20am - Facilitated networking 

10:30am - Guest Speaker: Sinead Crowther with Q&A 

11:30am - Break/Networking

11:45am - Round table industry discussion based on delegate questions and needs

12:15pm - Pamela Clancy, Cashin Clancy Solicitors

12:30pm - Close

Sinead Crowther

Sinéad  Crowther is Tonstix Creator and CEO of Soothing Solutions Ltd, a Pharmaceutical Technician with more than 25 years’ experience in retail pharmacy. On a daily basis, Sinéad was met with frustrated parents trying to do their best for their children with sore throats and coughs, but there was no over-the-counter child friendly product that would soothe this type of discomfort specifically for young children.

In 2017, during challenging personal circumstances, Sinéad began her research to develop her solution alongside a leading food scientist and medical device company to ensure its efficacy, safety and child-friendliness. This led her into the world of manufacturing where she alongside her co-founder, raised €1.4 million in funding to build a fully operational manufacturing facility to produce their unique products now stocked in over 2,300 pharmacies and retailers across IRL and the UK.