Freedom Of Information Request
The Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) will not release any information received except as may be required by law, including the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003.
Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) opened their doors for business on the 15th April 2014. As the LEOs are a business unit of their parent local authority all requests for information under Freedom of Information (FoI) or Access to Information on the Environment legislation should be made directly to the FoI Officer of the local authority rather than direct to each LEO.
Details of the FoI Officer of each local authority as well as details of the application procedure to be followed when making such a request may be obtained from the home page of the local authority’s web site. The web site of each local authority is structured differently so you may need to search the home page via the ‘your council’ or ‘contact us’ web page links to find the exact details for your local authority.
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