Access to Finance Workshop

Online via Zoom
29th August
9.30am - 12.30pm

This course will cover all aspects of raising finance covering issues such as what Banks and Investors will look for, how to structure information when approaching them, what you need to consider when preparing forecasts or financial projections.


Access to Finance Workshop


This course will cover all aspects of raising finance covering issues such as what Banks and Investors will look for, how to structure information when approaching them, what you need to consider when preparing forecasts or financial projections.


I’ll give a run down of the various types of financial providers in the market, what they do, the markets they lend to and how much, along with the traditional type bank finance.


This will be delivered over a half day in a group setting with the use of PowerPoint, flipcharts and interactive discussions with the group. I’ll run through the course outlined below but will get clients to engage in discussion, breakout sessions etc. to make it as interactive as possible






Topics and Tools on the training includes:


  1. Importance of Matching Funding to Requirement e.g. short-term facilities to fund short term needs.
  2. Different types of finance available e.g. overdrafts, leasing, invoice finance, term loans etc.?
  3. Where to borrow funds e.g. banks, microfinance, gov’t agencies, alternate lenders (Linked Finance), Fin tech companies etc.
  4. How to prepare a proposal for finance, what to include, what the lenders will look for
  5. Credit Review Office and their role.
  6. Importance of financial projections and business plan.