Book-Keeping & Taxation Workshop 2024

Online Via ZOOM
PLEASE NOTE: By booking you agree to share your details with the facilitator who is running this Workshop
9.30am - 4.30pm

This one day course is designed for beginners, those who have never used a bookkeeping system before or those looking to refresh their knowledge of how a simple book-keeping system works.

Booked Out

Book-Keeping & Taxation Workshop

Dates: Thursday 10th October 2024

Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm

Venue: Online via ZOOM

This course is designed for beginners, those who have never used a bookkeeping system before or those looking to refresh their knowledge of how a simple book-keeping system works. We will cover the basic principles of book-keeping, design and construct a book-keeping package on excel incorporating sales, purchases & expenses ledgers. We will also look at taxation, cashflow management, budgeting and forecasting for a small business. At the end of the course participants will be competent recording & maintaining their own accounts system.  


This course is a full day course. The first part of the day is a powerpoint presentation with the 2nd half of the day is more interactive and attendees will need to have a 2nd device upon which they will build there own accounting system using Excel. 

Trainer: Keith Darcy