Google Tools for Online Businesses

Online via ZOOM
July 23rd
9.30am - 1pm

If you can tell me that your top exit page is your checkout page then you have identified a problem that needs to be fixed. If you haven’t identified this you just think you’ve poor sales. Understanding analytics is a necessity. If you can understand it you can fix and improve performance using the knowledge and tools listed below to promote effectively. Ads/Social/Paid search campaigns, set up tracking to successfully monitor conversions through Google Analytics.


Google Tools For Online Businesses - Half day seminar

Explore GoogleAnalytics, Google Adwords, Google Places & Search Console. Take advantage of these resources to better engage and retain your customers; and gain new customers. Understand how to use online these online tools efficiently manage your online presence.


Google Analytics: Most servers have a default level of data capture and data collection that is automatic. This means that every time a visitor comes to that web server, the web server captures some data about that visitor. This data goes beyond just counting who visited the site. It contains information such as; when different people visit your site, what sites led them to your site, what browsers they were using, and their operating systems. Analytics provides statistics that can help you make decisions about improving your website.

Google Adwords: How to set up an account and use the adwords interface How to set up a simple ad campaign How to choose keywords How to write effective ad text How to target your ads geographically and by device The importance of the right landing page How to keep control of your advertising budget Outcomes -Following this session you will Have a very clear understanding of how to set up a Google ad campaign Understand how to target and manage your campaign

Google Places for Business Google allows you to register your business free of charge and when people type in a location as part of a search, Google displays a summary of this listing if it’s relevant. So for example, if I am running an architects office in Cork and register this business using Google Places and then someone searches for ‘Architect in Cork’ then Google may display my places entry. The big advantage of this free listing is Google gives this high priority and it will typically be displayed before any other search results.

Google Search Console (previously know as webmaster tools) Help robots to search your site Why use Search Console?

Trainer: Alan O'Meara, Almedia

Please note that this is not a practical training workshop whereby you will be working from a laptop or ipad/tablet during the training. This is a seminar style training course.