North Cork - Start Your Own Business

Springfort Hall Hotel
Thurs 14th July, Thurs 21st July, Thurs 28th July & Thurs 4th August 2016
9.30am - 4.30pm
Start Your Own Business

This 4 day intense programme is for someone with a business idea in mind and who is thinking of starting their own business.

This event is no longer available

Start Your Own Business Programme

This programme is delivered over 4 Days. It is suitable for someone with a business idea who wants to research their idea in detail. By the end of the training you will be able to decide if you should proceed with your business idea or take a step back. The modules cover all the necessary information you need for your new business start-up. You will write a business plan during the programme also. The programme would also suit an early stage start-up company.

Modules include:

  • Getting started
  • Business and action planning
  • Market research
  • Marketing your business
  • Online marketing
  • Sales & communication
  • Costing & pricing
  • Financial & cashflow management
  • Revenue & social welfare
  • Book-keeping
  • Taking charge of your business
  • The business plan.