Planning a website

Online via Zoom
August 28th
10am - 1.30pm
Business Training

Design, develop and maintain a powerful web presence / Website Participants will learn what’s involved in designing for the web and the importance of creating a consistent brand and how to promote and market their business online. We will look at the fundamentals of good design for online, developing a site in phases from brochure to interactive ecommerce, website promotion, website planning and content development. Learn the vital decisions involved with developing a web presence. Do you know who your target market is, do you know what type of website will suit and the costs? Do you need a website? Learn the essential elements of a web presence, think of your website as the heartbeat of your web presence and learn what impact connecting, synching and tracking promotional & tracking tools correctly have and contribute to the general user experience, conversions and your understanding of your website.


Planning a website for your business seminar _ half day seminar 

Have you a design specification? Do you know what’s needed to create and maintain a good web presence? What are your goals, are you tracking them?

Participants will learn what’s involved in designing for the web and the importance of creating a good specification that suits your needs. Consistent branding and how to promote and market your business online is an essential component that is often left or overlooked. We will look at the fundamentals of good design, online promotion, website planning and content development.

  • Learn the vital decisions involved with developing a website.
  • Do you know who your target market is?
  • Do you know what type of website will suit and the costs, what type of platform to use?

This seminar is designed to bring participants who need a website or have one up to speed in all the major aspects of website design and promotion from registering domain names and getting hosting, organising navigation, layout and script, designing for technology and future proofing your site. This seminar provides an overview of what a website specification should consist of and how to start with design and implementation. The Trading Online Voucher Scheme with the Local Enterprise Office will also be discussed briefly. 

Please note that you will not be designing or creating a website at this seminar. At this information seminar, you will be provided with information but you will not be working from a laptop on a website.