Start Your Own Business Programme

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Business Training

This evening online programme is for someone with a business idea who wants to research their idea in detail. It would also suit someone who has recently started their own business within the last 6-12 months.


Start Your Own Business Programme - Online- 7 Evenings

Dates: ( Mondays) 30th September, 7th, 14th, 24th, 31st October, 7th and 14th November


Time: 6.30pm-9.30pm Online: Via ZOOM


This intense 7 evening online programme is for someone with a business idea who wants to research their idea in detail. By the end of the programme, you will be able to decide if you should proceed with your business idea or take a step back to do more research.

The modules will cover all the necessary information you need for your new business start-up. You will be provided with the templates and tools to write your own business plan. This programme would also suit someone who recently started their own business (within the last 6-12 months), if you have not had any start up training.

Modules will include:

  • Getting started
  • Business and action planning
  • Market research
  • Marketing your business
  • Online marketing
  • Sales & communication
  • Costing & pricing
  • Financial & cashflow management
  • Revenue & social welfare
  • Book-keeping
  • Funding sources available - including government agencies
  • Taking charge of your business
  • The business plan

Trainer: Veronica Murphy, The Discovery Partnership

By booking this event you agree to share your contact details with the Training supplier. GDPR Policy - AI Recordings - Please be advised that the use of AI systems during these sessions is not permitted.