Automating Customer Service with AI Chatbots 15th July 2024

Online Via Zoom
9.30am - 12.30pm

Significantly enhance your business' customer service and learn how to integrate and optimise AI chatbots to provide instant customer service and support.


Automating Customer Service with AI Chatbots

AI is the greatest technological advancement since the creation of the internet and is already having a massive impact on how we do business. This workshop is designed for SMEs to learn about the transformative potential of AI chatbots in customer service. Participants will learn about integrating and optimising AI chatbots to deliver instant, efficient customer support and drive customer engagement. With the completion of this workshop, SMEs will be well-prepared to deploy AI chatbots that can significantly enhance their customer service operations, leading to better customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

This workshop will cover:

  • How to plan and execute your AI. Strategy.
  • An introduction to AI chatbots and their role in modern customer service.
  • Strategies for integrating chatbots into the existing customer service framework.
  • Utilising chatbots for lead generation, customer feedback, and support tasks.
  • Personalising customer interactions using AI to enhance the user experience.
  • Techniques for monitoring chatbot conversations and performance metrics.
  • Methods for updating and maintaining AI chatbots to ensure relevance and accuracy.
  • Workshop on managing the handover between AI chatbots and human customer service agents.
  • Ethical considerations and privacy concerns in automating customer service with AI.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the capabilities and benefits of AI chatbots in customer service.
  • Learn to train chatbots with industry-specific data to improve interaction quality.
  • Learn how to Integrate AI chatbots into existing customer service systems seamlessly.
  • Learn how to utilise chatbots to enhance customer engagement and streamline support operations.
  • Learn how to deliver personalised customer experiences using AI-driven interaction data.
  • Learn how to analyse and interpret chatbot performance data to continually improve service quality.
  • Learn how to maintain and update AI chatbots to keep pace with evolving customer expectations.
  • Learn how to manage seamless transition between chatbots and human agents in customer service scenarios.
  • Navigate the ethical and privacy aspects of using AI in customer interactions responsibly.

Delivery Methodology

The workshop will be delivered remotely and will be highly interactive and engaging for participants with real time demonstrations.

About your Facilitator

This workshop is being facilitated by Content Plan.


Book Your Place...

The Course Fee is €20 per person and is payable prior to course commencement.

To Book & Pay for your place now, simply follow the 'Book Now' link at the top of this page. If you need any assistance, please contact (01) 204 7083 or