Going Green in your Business - 16th July 2024

Online Via Zoom
9.30am - 12.30pm

Discover the impact of customer choices on sustainability. Calculate your carbon footprint, set green goals & create a tailored UN SDG supporting statement.


Going Green in your Business

Attendees will walk away from the workshop with a clearer idea of what the opportunity is and what it is possible to achieve in their business: some short-term wins and also what might be doable down the line.


Within a highly interactive and collaborative workshop, you

will be equipped to:

  • Recognise opportunity and explore the consequences of not taking it
  • Understand how customers choose with their purchasing power
  • Understand sustainability: what it is and how it relates to climate change
  • Understand circularity and resource cycles
  • Estimate your carbon footprint and resource usage
  • Set your own short-term and long-term sustainability goals
  • Find the support available to reach your targets
  • Craft your own sustainability statement: assess how your business supports specific SDG targets set out by the UN

Delivery Methodology

The workshop will be delivered remotely and will be highly interactive and engaging for participants with real time demonstrations.

About your Facilitator

This workshop is being facilitated by The Entrepreneurs Academy


Book Your Place...

The Course Fee is €20 per person and is payable prior to course commencement.

To Book & Pay for your place now, simply follow the 'Book Now' link at the top of this page. If you need any assistance, please contact (01) 204 7083 or leo@dlrcoco.ie