The Research Development and Innovation Fund

The RD&I Fund supports the development of new or substantially improved products, services or processes which will have a competitive advantage in a company’s target market.

The development must involve:

  • The resolution of some technical challenges,
  • Be non-routine and
  • Represent a ‘step-up’ for the company in terms of the level of RD&I capability.

Grant Rates & Support

  • Grant rates dependent on a company size and inclusion of collaboration (for details on collaboration projects please contact your Local Enterprise Office).

Grant Rates & Support

Small Companies

Medium Companies

Large Companies

Maximum Grant

R&D Projects /
Experimental Development
45%35%25%No set Limit

Eligible Companies

  • All established, registered, Irish based manufacturing or internationally traded services company that are trading with positive EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization). For companies who are not EBITDA positive contact your Business Adviser in the LEO.
  • Applicants must be able to show adequate cash resources to implement the proposed project.

Eligible Costs

  • Existing staff costs / New staff costs
  • Overheads
  • Materials
  • Travel & Subsistence
  • Consultancy
  • Patenting Costs
  • Certification and clinical trials
  • Capital Depreciation

How do I apply?

Please contact your Local Enterprise Office Executive who will support you to make an application.  Find your Local Enterprise Office