Our Feasibility Grant is designed to assist a business promoter(s) with researching market demand for a product or
service and with examining its sustainability. The Feasibility Grant covers 60% of qualifying expenses (excluding VAT), subject to a maximum LEO contribution of €15,000.
The enterprise must be in the added-value manufacturing or services with the potential to trade internationally sectors.
Feasibility Grant - Qualifying Expenses
Expenditure may be considered under these category headings:
- Prototype / innovation costs
Costs under this category may include prototype development, innovative design, market research costs,
patent costs and third level college or consultancy fees.
These include fees for design, architectural, accountancy and legal services.
- Own labour research costs are not eligible for support.
Feasibility Grant - Terms & Conditions
The Feasibility Grant covers 60% of qualifying expenses (excluding VAT), subject to a maximum LEO
contribution of €15,000. An application may comprise costs from one or more of the qualifying expense categories.
Only third party costs qualify, ie activities that a business promoter commissions others to undertake.
An application must be made prior to any expenditure being incurred,
ie any expenditure incurred prior to any grant approval does not qualify.
LEO payment will be made on receipt of proof of payment of all approved expenses. The VAT element of expenses will not be covered by any grant offer. Payments to state bodies, including local authorities, are excluded.
Successful applicants must draw down approved amounts within the period specified on the letter of offer and
may draw down part or all of any approved amount in a single drawdown or a number of staged drawdowns.
The approval of all applications and the payment of all monies is dependent upon the availability of
financial resources under this scheme from the Department of Enterprise, Trade & Innovation.
Grant Claim Forms
Please download the grant claim forms below:
01 Supplier Set Amendment Form
02 Claim Form
03 Feasibility Grant Drawdown Checklist