Geographical indication boosting food and tourism sectors in Northern areas – prepatory project


Donegal Tweed is a partner in a prepatory project co-financed via Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic 2021-2027 programme. This preparatory project aims to build up a successful main application for Interreg NPA-programme focusing on enhancing the use of GI recognition in northern areas to increase competitiveness of the businesses.

Short title of the project: GIFT – Status: Active 
Effective start/end date: 01/12/2023 → 31/05/2024

Description (abstract)

The operating environment is challenging for food and handcraft SMEs in rural areas markets outside the local area and challenges in obtaining an adequate price for quality products. EU’s quality scheme of geographical indication (GI) could offer some solutions to these problems: it protects the names of specific products (food and non-food), promotes their uniqueness, enables a better price and links the products to their geographical origin, thus safeguarding the local production. With GI products the local tourism SMEs can also highlight better their local or regional specificity. In addition, GI products bring local traditional knowledge visible. Despite these advantages, GI recognition is still largely underutilised in northern European countries compared to other parts of Europe. Donegal Tweed is one of the first Irish products to be recognised within the GI system as a Protected Designation of Origin.


This preparatory project aims to build up a successful main application for Interreg NPA-programme focusing on enhancing the use of GI recognition in northern areas to increase competitiveness of the businesses. The aim is also to use GI application processes to support cooperation, transfer of knowledge and to create and support innovation in and between food, handicraft and tourism sectors. During the process, also the potential of new GI products in NPA area are mapped out.


The partnership of the preparatory project consists of Local Enterprise Office, Donegal, University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute, Finland (lead partner) and Icelandic Lamb, Iceland. The partnership will be complemented during the preparatory project. The preparatory project is co-financed via Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic 2021-2027 programme.


European Regional Development Fund Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme: €8,445.12
Donegal County Council LEO: €4,550.00

Geographical Indication in Ireland


Donegal Tweed is an iconic part of Co. Donegal’s centuries old weaving tradition. There has been a concentrated campaign since 2013 to secure geographical protection for ‘Donegal Tweed’ with submissions & delegations to the EU and the formation of the Donegal Tweed Association (DTA). The campaign has been led by weaver’s in Donegal and supported by the DCCI and LEO Donegal.

Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme: