Local Enterprise Office Invites Donegal Food Businesses to Network with European Counterparts at the NICHE Conference


A unique conference for food businesses takes place in Donegal later this month and anyone working in the food industry is invited to attend. Hosted by the Local Enterprise Office, Donegal County Council, the conference will mark the launch of NICHE, a European project which aims to develop innovation in the food industry in seven European regions where food has been identified as key for jobs and economic growth.

The NICHE conference will address challenges arising from changes in the food sector and is aimed at anyone working directly or indirectly in a food related business. This includes food producers, food and drinks companies, packaging and logistics, research and development and agri-food related software and technology firms. An international delegation will visit Donegal for the event, including representatives from six other NICHE regions; West Romania, Derry and Strabane, Finland, Estonia, Crete and Poland. 

Michael Tunney, Head of Enterprise in Donegal County Council, says the conference presents a unique opportunity for food businesses in the northwest to network, gain insights and share knowledge with their international counterparts:

“This conference, and the NICHE Project as a whole, is about building innovation and developing relationships between companies operating within the partner countries. The food sector faces major challenges and the availability of safe, sustainable and healthy food has taken a new and pressing dimension in light of an ever-growing global population and increasing environmental and sustainability concerns. Technology has already substantially reshaped the business models, value chains and efficiencies in this sector, but a new wave of driven innovation is needed to give response to this new demand, which is where NICHE has a key role to play. We’d love to see as many Donegal food businesses as possible at the conference to help us share Donegal’s food story and build on the great work already being done through The Food Coast initiative.”

A series of guest speakers will address the conference, which will be split into four sections; National and European Perspectives and Practices, Regional and Local Perspectives and Practices, International Good Practice and Local Case Studies. Each section will also include a short Q&A session, where participants can interact with guest speakers.

The NICHE conference takes place on Tuesday, 27th September 2016 from 9am to 4.30pm at the CoLab, Letterkenny Institute of Technology and costs €20 per person. As part of the Enterprise Europe Network, attendees have the unique opportunity to meet with international and local businesses at a post-conference brokerage event which takes place on the morning after the conference on Wednesday, 28th from 9.00am -12noon in the CoLab, Letterkenny Institute of Technology. 

To book click here or for more information and to book contact Patrick Devine, Local Enterprise Office, Donegal County Council, Patrick.Devine@leo.donegalcoco.ie 

NICHE ‘Building Innovative Food Value Chains in Regions’ is funded through the Interreg Europe Programme. For more information on the NICHE Project visit www.interregeurope.eu/niche/.

Local Enterprise Office Donegal is supported through co-funding from the Irish Government and the European Regional Development Fund 2014 – 2020.