ICT Ireland Portugal Inward Company Mission - Expression of Interest

12th June Roganstown Hotel & Country Club, Swords Dublin, 13th June The Guinness Enterprise Centre, Taylor's Lane, Dublin 8

Expressions of Interest are being sought from Irish ICT companies interested in exploring the Portuguese Market and meeting visiting companies in Dublin on 12th & 13th June, 2019.

This event is no longer available

IPBN - Mission

Trade Mission from Portugal to Ireland

The network of 31 Local Enterprise Offices located all around Ireland are offering a unique opportunity to their technology companies to meet with companies from Portugal with a view to exploring and expanding into new markets and looking at sub supply from and to this market also.

Through the Company Mission, organized by and Donegal County Council on behalf of the Local Enterprise Offices in Ireland (EEN partner)  in cooperation with IAPMEI and Ireland Portugal Business Network, participants from both countries have the possibility to meet each other and discuss long term partnerships.

  • Start Date: 12th June, 2019 starting at 09:00am to 16:30pm  
  • End Date: 13th June, 2019 starting 09:00am to 12:15pm
  • Location: Dublin - Venue to be confirmed.