Her Sport

Her SportHerSport Owners

Co-founded by Niamh Tallon & Mohammed Mahomed in 2020, Her Sport is an organisation dedicated to creating cultural change for girls and women in sport, through visibility, education and empowerment. They showcase and profile women in sport through their digital platforms, which now with a community of over a quarter of a million people.

“We deliver education in schools, clubs and businesses - discussing the landscape of women's sport, the barriers that girls and women face, and how to overcome those challenges. My background is in business studies and marketing, while in my personal life, always having a love for sport. It's exciting to be able to combine these two areas to what now is Her Sport!” Niamh tells us.

Becoming Self Employed

I became self-employed at 25 years old with a vision of what Her Sport could look like and what it could achieve. Since then, the dreams have grown and developed even further. I started Her Sport because I felt someone needed to make a change for girls and women in sport, I understood the business case and believed that I could be the person to do it.”

Unique in their Industry

 As a social enterprise, Her Sport develops products and services with the development of women's sport and creating opportunity for women at the very centre.

“We are the only organisation in the media space solely dedicated to women's sport, while pairing our knowledge and expertise to deliver education. We are committed to women in sport every day of the week and persistent in moving the dial.”

Biggest Challenges and Opportunities to date?

For Niamh & Mohammed, their biggest challenge is achieving all they want in limited time. They credit the Local Enterprise Office with helping them grow their business and achieve their goals.

Time!! There's so much we want to accomplish and only so much time in the day! We've been grateful to the Local Enterprise Office which has supported us in expanding our team and have ambition to continue this growth of team, so we can accomplish our ambitious goals.”

Supporting Individuals & Companies

 “The advertising industry is competitive and challenging - all the time! While our core business remains to be advertising, we have tested other revenue streams to ensure security of the business and mitigate risk. We work with both corporates and individuals in a few different ways, which is allowing us to further grow and develop as a business, while making increasing impact.”

Stand Out Moment

“Our first Her Sport Awards saw our community gather together to celebrate Irish female athletes. Bringing people together after Covid times, showcasing the Her Sport Awards on national television with TG4 and then also producing a magazine in partnership with the Business Post truly demonstrated the want and need for Her Sport. We were honoured to work with a range of Irish and global brands in both of these campaigns and their belief and support was further motivating.”

LEO Supports

Her Sport have used the LEO supports to their benefit, helping them to grow their internet presence with two Trading Online Vouchers as well as funding to grow their team. Her Sport has applied for and been awarded;

  • Priming Grant
  • Trading Online Voucher x 2
  • Business Expansion Grant
  • GradStart
  • Green for Business
  • Mentoring
  • Women in Business Network

 We have been privileged to have been supported by LEO on multiple occasions in both training and funding capacities. We've been working closely with the team for several years and the growth and expansion of our business is absolutely because of LEO support.”

Plans for the future?

Expansion is on the cards for Her Sport.

We are currently expanding the business in two respects - one expansion through geography and one of product / service. We are expanding the visibility pillar of our business with media coverage for women's sport in the UK and now seeking partners in that space. Our new product / service is education as we look to develop our programming and services in this space.”

Advice for New Entrepreneurs

The worst someone can say is "no"! This applies when seeking advice, trying to win a new client and so much more! Go for it!”





