Please note: the application form for ENFUSE 2023 is now closed. For updates and to apply to ENFUSE please go to the main page here:
ENFUSE matches local enterprises and social enterprises with teams of masters level university / college students. During semester 2 (January-May) as part of a module, students work in teams typically of 4-6 members with selected enterprises. The students help provide insights, propose solutions and ultimately present a bespoke and tangible plan that sets out how the enterprise can innovate, address challenges and develop opportunities. Student teams present the plan to the enterprise to implement and to their module lecturer to assess. In addition, shortlisted student teams compete at the ENFUSE finals in May. The teams represent their university and compete by pitching to expert judges on the plan they created for their assigned enterprise.
Student teams can assist participating enterprises with:
Strategy, Project Management, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Innovation, Design Thinking, Opportunity Identification and Evaluation, Digital Transformation, Tourism / Hospitality / Event Development, New Product / Service Development, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Social Enterprise Development and more.
- Support local enterprises by providing bespoke plans to innovate, address challenges and develop opportunities
- Provide masters students with real-world consultancy and enterprise experience
- Enhance the local innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem
Benefits of participating as an enterprise
- Bespoke plan to innovate, address challenges, develop opportunities
- Market research, insights and new ideas
- Opportunity to screen potential employees from student teams (Grants available to support employing graduates: LEO Priming / Business Expansion Grants; Enterprise Ireland Gradstart)
- Enable students to gain relevant real-world experience
- No cost to the enterprise
- Promotional opportunities
- Intellectual property rights and confidentiality protected
Testimonials from participant enterprises
'With ingenuity, creativity, and flair, the fantastic team of students devised an intelligent marketing campaign that translates a complex topic into something that will really resonate with our target. Taking part in ENFUSE helped us think outside the box, provided us with a framework for how to translate theory into publicity, and shaped our marketing for the years to come’. Steve O'Reilly – The Rediscovery Centre
‘The team of students we worked with delved into the background of our company to try and further understand our future objectives. The final document we received helped us to achieve a more intensive expansion model and also gave us a fresh perspective on certain aspects of our business, ENFUSE was an excellent learning experience for us’. Jessica Conlon, Twigs
‘ENFUSE is a wonderful way for the gap to be bridged between students and businesses. MAKER has taken part in the initiative for three consecutive years and has found the student's research to be insightful and a valuable asset to evolution of the business. I highly recommend businesses to participate. It keeps businesses in touch with emerging trends & fresh thinking from the students and allows students to gain live experience with businesses in their community’. Kate O'Moore, MAKER
Role of Enterprises
- Complete the ENFUSE – Application Form (Link Below)
- Propose a relevant challenge / opportunity / area for a student team to develop a plan on
- Nominate a representative to liaise with, meet the team four times, provide information
- Interact responsibly and respectfully with the student team
- Rate the student team
- Participate in an evaluation survey
- Approve presentation content if allocated student team is selected to compete at the ENFUSE Finals
ENFUSE Timeline |
Phase: | 1 Promotion | 2 Matching | 3 Meetings | 4 Presentation | 5 Finals |
| ENFUSE Promotion / Enterprises Apply | Enterprises selected & matched with student teams | Enterprises & Student Team Meetings* (Approx. 4) | Presentation of Plan to Enterprise & Module Lecturer | ENFUSE Finals** |
Dates: | January | (Early) February | February - March | April | May (TBC - 25/05/2023) |
(Please note the timeline is subject to change)
*Meetings will be arranged directly between the student team and enterprise. Meetings can be physical or virtual. If physical meetings are permitted, students are covered under their institutions insurance respectively to visit enterprises / sites. After each meeting, student teams should share minutes / notes taken / next steps with their respective enterprise.
**ENFUSE Finals will feature shortlisted student teams. The teams represent their university/college and compete by pitching to expert judges on the plan they created for their assigned enterprise. Participating students and enterprises along with industry guests will be invited to attend the ENFUSE Finals.
Enterprise Selection Process
- ENFUSE is open to registered enterprises and social enterprises
- Preference is given to LEO – Dublin (City / DLR / South Dublin / Fingal) client enterprises and enterprise that are primarily based in Dublin. Enterprises based outside Dublin can still apply and will be considered for matching with student teams
- Enterprises are selected according to the suitability of their proposed challenge / opportunity / area for the students to develop a plan on and according to the availability of student’s teams
- Student teams will be allocated or will self-select an enterprise that they wish to work with
- Enterprises will be informed of their application status by 07/02/2023
- Submission Deadline for Applications: 23:59, 22/01/2023
Terms and Conditions
The availability of student teams is limited. A submitted application does not guarantee that the applicant enterprise will be matched or will be matched with their preferred MSc/Skill area student team.
Plans will be produced by MSc student teams from the participating universities/colleges and will be presented to participating enterprises during March-May 2022. The plans will be reviewed confidentially by relevant lecturers/staff for academic assessment. Plans may also be reviewed by relevant staff in DCC/LEO Dublin City to shortlist for the ENFUSE Finals.
ENFUSE is not a work placement for students in participating enterprises. Students research and develop a plan for enterprises as part of a module on their course. During the programme, students will spend a portion of their time each week to research, liaise with the enterprise and develop the plan. Students are not responsible for implementing the plan.
Although unlikely, due to external circumstances, student teams may be forced to disband or be unable to continue their participation. University/college partners reserve the right to withdraw their students from the programme.
Students will sign and include in the plan, a confidentiality agreement designed to protect the commercial confidence and intellectual property rights of the enterprise. Students’ participation in the programme is governed by the ethical research guidelines of the universities/colleges as appropriate.
Enterprises are not obliged to accept or implement recommendations proposed by their allocated student team and accept full responsibility for any consequences arising from the implementation of such recommendations. ENFUSE project partners and support organisations accept no liability for any loss, debts or negative impacts incurred by enterprises arising from participation in ENFUSE and / or implementing student’s recommendations / plans.
Participating enterprises may be featured in promotional material/reports in order to promote the enterprise, ENFUSE or the services of DCC/LEO Dublin City and other project partners/support organisations. Enterprises that are represented by finalist teams at the ENFUSE Finals will be featured in promotional materials.
Privacy Notice
DCC / LEO – Dublin City and ENFUSE project partners respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. Please read this notice as it describes why your personal data is needed to apply and potentially participate in ENFUSE, and also how your personal data will be used. For further information on privacy and your rights, please see the Dublin City Council Privacy Statement and the Local Enterprise Office Personal Data Protection Notice.
To apply to participate in ENFUSE, applicants are required to complete an online application form. In this form, applicants are asked to provide data which includes contact details and information on their enterprise and area / challenge / opportunity that they would like a student team to complete a plan.
The reason for requiring and processing this data is to process applications and to manage the programme. Contact details are required to allow for efficient communication and to inform applicants of their application status and to provide relevant updates on ENFUSE and other LEO supports. Applications are confidentially shared with participating lecturers and relevant student teams as part of selecting and matching enterprises with teams and to enable the teams to contact and directly liaise with their allocated enterprise. Participating enterprises will be connected with their student team by DCC / LEO – Dublin City and the relevant lecturer. Applications and data provided will be securely stored in line with retention protocols in DCC, LEO and university / college project partners.
If you have any questions regarding the application form, process and management of your data, please contact: economicdevelopment@dublincity.ie
The Application form for ENFUSE 2023 is now closed.
Please note, you can apply for ENFUSE 2024 and find out more here:
Apply to ENFUSE
(Please note the application form for ENFUSE 2023 is closed, please go to the main ENFUSE page for updates or to apply)
Further Information:
Project Partners / Support Organisations
ENFUSE is a pilot project led by Dublin City Council (DCC) / Local Enterprise Office (LEO) Dublin City in collaboration with Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin); Dublin City University (DCU); National College of Ireland (NCI); University College Dublin (UCD) and Trinity College Dublin (TCD). ENFUSE is supported by and operated in alignment with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER); Dublin Place Brand; the Dublin Regional Skills Forum (DRSF); Dublin Regional Enterprise Plan to 2024; Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment; Enterprise Ireland; GradStart.
Project Awards
In national recognition of the innovativeness and potential to scale, DCC was awarded Public Service Innovation Funding in 2020 from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform as part of the Our Public Service initiative. The funding was used to develop branding, communications and programme materials.
ENFUSE was selected as a National Winner in the European Commission’s - European Enterprise Promotion Awards (EEPA) 2022 under category 3 which recognises innovative projects and approaches that improve the business environment and support the digital transition. In addition ENFUSE was shortlisted as an overall EEPA European finalist project.
ENFUSE was shortlisted in the Chambers Ireland - Excellence in Local Government Awards 2022 in the Promoting Economic Development category.
Project History
ENFUSE began in 2019 when 13 local enterprises and social enterprises were matched with 60 students from TU Dublin. The students worked in teams to research the context, challenges and opportunities regarding their allocated enterprises. In 2020, students from DCU also participated, and in 2021 students from National College of Ireland participated. In 2023, students from UCD and TCD will also participate. Each year since it began, the programme has expanded and the impact has increased as more enterprises, students and project partners have participated and benefited.