Selling online with Etsy & Shopify Tuesday 1st Oct 2024

Online through Zoom platform
Tuesday 1st Oct
18:30 - 21:30

This course helps small businesses to sell to their existing and new customers by setting up an online store in the simplest way possible while equipping them with the tools to promote their store using their social media channels.



Within a highly interactive and collaborative workshop you will be equipped to:

  •   Assess the advantages of both Shopify and Etsy and see which suits your offering.
  • Set up an Etsy store
  • Set up a Shopify Store
  • Learn the value of good photography and how to take great photos for selling your creations.
  • Tips on how to deal with the mindset of selling.
  • How to write descriptions that maximise interest and sales.
  • How to manage your customers.
  • Presentation and Packaging – the importance of it.
  • How to ask for customer reviews.
  • How to nurture your customers after they have bought from you.
  • Introduction to using Social Media for selling.
  • The importance of story in selling work.


Please Note: Zoom link will be emailed to participants the day before the workshop is due to begin.

Please Note: €20 Administration Fee is Non Refundable.

Booking terms & conditions.