Simple Business planning Tuesday 13th Feb 2024

Online through Zoom platform
10:00 - 13:00

Empower your business through our workshop on essential planning, where we streamline the process using tools like the business Canvas ad MFI business plan.

This event is no longer available


Who is the plan for?

This programme emphasize the significance of having a plan, advocating for simplicity with discussions on strait forward plans like the business canvas and MFI business plan. Additionally, it will incorporates a detailed cash flow landscape spanning twelve months.


Key Points:

Importance of planning

Canvas business plans

MFI business plans

Cash flow projection over twelve months

By the end of this session, participants will grasp the importance of a business plan and feel confident in creating a practical, straightforward plan tailored to their specific needs.

Please Note: Zoom link will be sent to participants the day before.

Please Note: €20 Administration Fee is Non Refundable

 Booking terms & conditions.