Time Management

National College of Ireland, IFSC
14:00 - 18:00

Examine strategies for evaluating priorities, remain focussed and manage expectations. Explore ways to organise, prioritise and make informed decisions.

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Programme Overview


Managing your time, to meet the needs of internal and external customers and deliver quality service is a business critical requirement.  Developing these skills will help small businesses take control of their performance.

The Time Management programme is designed to help identify opportunities for improvement and illustrate how to manage time for optimal performance and results.

Participants will examine strategies for evaluating priorities, remaining focussed and managing expectations.  Time Management is directly linked to self management and these concepts will be examined in detail.  This interactive workshop will explore ways to organise and prioritise and make informed decisions about time management.


 Workshop Objectives:  During the workshop participants will:

  • Create an effective master task list with time estimates and accurate durations
  • Prioritise a master task list into realistic weekly plans based on urgency and importance
  • Recognise how regular plans can influence decision-making when prioritising tasks
  • Apply habits of effective communication to challenging discussions about priorities.


On completion of the workshop participants will:

  • Manage their time more effectively
  • Make informed decisions about their time
  • Improve their ability to meet deadlines and expectations
  • Resolve prioritisation conflicts constructively
  • Immediately implement time management strategies.

Delivery Methodology:

This course is made highly participative by the use of a variety of learning techniques.  They include group discussions, feedback, exercises, practical case studies and tailored role plays to allow the participants to apply the training workshop.