LEO Evaluation & Approvals Committee

The Evaluation & Approvals Committee are a panel of independent business experts, who assist LEO Fingal in the evaluation of grant applications and approve applicants for financial support.

This external oversight ensures that those most deserving of funding are supported, to create and sustain jobs in Fingal.

Receipt of grant funding is a competitive process.

Current Members

John Quinlivan  Director of Services | Economic, Enterprise, Tourism & Cultural Development, Fingal County Council
Oisin GeogheganHead of Enterprise, LEO Fingal
Tom NoonanBusinessman, retired (ex-CEO Maxol Ireland)
Michael Dawson Businessman, co-founder of Gift Voucher shop (One4All) and Irish Institute of Music and Song
Gerard McInerney 
Accountant (retired)
Margaret HalliganSenior Regional Development Executive, Enterprise Ireland
John O’DeaCEO, Tech Ireland; previously Manager HPSU Section, Enterprise Ireland

Claire MacNamee

Head of Enterprise Engagement, Technological University Dublin