The Fingal Business Network is a unique opportunity to meet other Fingal based business owners and managers and to share ideas and issues affecting small and medium enterprises.
The Fingal Business Network offers an excellent platform for:
- Hear from speakers about issues affecting businesses
- Network with other small and medium enterprises
- Learn from other businesses about issues that affects them and to learn from their experience
- Grow your business my meeting like minded people

An initiative of Local Enterprise Office Fingal, the Fingal Business Network features a keynote speaker at each event, who discusses a wide range of topics some of which have included self-belief, ambition, boosting sales, socialising, strategising, branding and embracing change. Members also have the opportunity to network and meet with other like-minded entrepreneurs at our events, which facilitates new connections and relationships. Each networking event provides an opportunity for you to share your business details, allowing others to connect with you.
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