Fingal Enterprising Women's Networking Event - Tuesday 19th May 2020

NB: We will email you the details to log in to the webinar on the evening before the event. If you can't find the email please check your spam/bin/junk box.

In Conversation with... Sean Weafer - “Taking the Cringe Out of Sales”

In Conversation with Sean Weafer

With sales being one of the top skills needed to create a thriving business, we owe it to ourselves and our businesses to ensure we are at the top of our game when it comes to this fundamental skill! But how do you sell without the cringe factor?

Our next online Fingal Enterprising Women Network event takes place on May 19th from 11:00 - 12:00 when our featured expert, Sean Weafer, will share his refreshingly innovative approach on “Taking the Cringe Out of Sales”.

In this session, Sean will help you to:

    • Challenge existing negative beliefs you may have around selling.
    • Identify your strengths & integrate them into your sales approach.
    • Create a simple, effective sales strategy that works.

        We are delighted to receive wonderful feedback from FEWN members about the value of coming together as a community and look forward to welcoming more enterprising women into this thriving virtual network.

        “Now, more than ever, we need to connect, brainstorm and support each other and our businesses so that we can take action. The shared collective wisdom and perspective of guest presenters and other business owners at FEWN online each week is inspiring, motivating and packed with practical tips.  It’s a great chance to connect with other business owners in similar situations, and rather than wonder what other people are doing or experiencing, we can find out first-hand. Networking has never been easier, in my opinion, thanks to FEWN, and I am thrilled to see it going from strength to strength each week. Thank you, and see you next week.”

        Carol-Ann Smith - Coach,

        We look forward to welcoming you online

        Our Event Guest

        Sean Weafer is an international executive coach who helps transform senior executives and SME owners into highly trusted influencers in leadership, sales and coaching. He works globally online coaching and training executives and their teams

        He is an engineer by profession, a professional speaker, creator of the G2S coaching system, a Marshall Goldsmith certified leadership coach, a master trainer in coaching and mentoring and a Founder Member of the Association for Coaching. 

        Sean is also a qualified analytical hypnotherapist, psychotherapist, NLP master and author of several books and e-books on coaching and influencing skills in leadership, sales, coaching and personal growth.