Fingal Enterprising Women's Networking Event - Tuesday 2nd June 2020

NB: We will email you the details to log in to the webinar on the evening before the event. If you can't find the email please check your spam/bin/junk box.

In Conversation with... Moira Dunne - “Productivity, Prioritisation and Planning for Success”

In Conversation with Moira Dunne

As many of us know, a successful business is the result of hard work, dedication and a commitment to making it happen. However, despite our best efforts & intentions, why is it that we often find ourselves challenged when it comes to being productive and focusing on tasks that we know contribute to our success?

Our next online Fingal Enterprising Women Network event takes place on Tuesday June 2nd from 11:00 - 12:15 when our featured guest, Moira Dunne, will share her invaluable tips on “Productivity, Prioritisation and Planning for Success”.

In this session, Moira will share her top tips on how to:

  • Identify a routine that works for you
  • Prioritise the tasks that matter most in your business
  • Minimise distractions while maximising productivity

Now more than ever before, we need to focus on what matters so we can achieve the results we want in our business and there is no better way to do that than in the company of like-minded women in business.

Here is what attendees from our last event said about their experience:

"Excellent topic and so much insight in this webinar!"

"Thanks for the opportunity today, I’m a start up in recent months and every word of encouragement is great."

"That was a fantastic session. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I really appreciated the opportunity to attend. The time flew!"

As always, we would love to see you so please come along and join us on Tuesday June 2nd.

We look forward to welcoming you online.

Our Event Guest

Moira is a Productivity Consultant who helps people take back control of their work day and get the most important things done. With 30 years experience in a variety of sectors (including Pharmaceutical, IT, Regulatory and Financial Services), Moira has learned first hand the key business & productivity skills which are fundamental to achieving results.

She is passionate about enabling individuals & organisations to improve their engagement, performance, productivity & wellness and her clients have included Salesforce, Grant Thornton, Danone Ireland and many more.

Moira is an approved Productivity Specialist with Enterprise Ireland as well as being a Mentor with Local Enterprise Office Fingal empowering local enterprises to streamline their businesses.

She writes for on a regular basis on all aspects of Productivity for the Microsoft Ireland Business Blog, and and on her own social media channels