LEW 2020 Start-Up Bootcamp - Monday 2nd March 2020

LEW 2020 Start-Up Bootcamp

Thinking of starting a business? Or just started? This Business Start-Up Bootcamp is for you! Join us for high-energy, engaging and interactive half-day of talks, personal and small group exercises.

You will learn how to:

  • Refine your business idea.
  • Research your market and find customers.
  • Develop an entrepreneurial mind-set.
  • Crunch your numbers properly.
  • Tap into the best online resources and tools.
  • Develop creative marketing ideas and how to bring your start-up online.
  • Network effectively.
  • Build your confidence by uncovering what matters most in owning your own successful business.

You will also meet a selection of successful entrepreneurs who will share their story. Learn from the challenges they faced. Celebrate their successes and leave feeling inspired and energised.

If you are thinking about taking the leap and starting your own business, this half-day of practical discussions, expert training and real-world advice will help you get off to a great start.

Light refreshments will be provided courtesy of LEO Fingal.