FEWN Making Instagram Work for your Business - Tuesday 9th February 2021

Online Delivery via Zoom
11:00 - 12:15
Business Training

Join us for our monthly FEWN online networking event featuring Social Media Consultant Sharon Creedon who will be talking about "Making Instagram Work for Your Business"

This event is no longer available

Tuesday 9th January 2021

With the onset of Spring comes new energy and excitement about the year ahead. At this February's FEWN networking event, as we come together with optimism to share perspectives and connect with like-minded business owners, we want to help you plant the seeds for a year of success!

With over 2.2 million users in Ireland, Instagram has undoubtedly become one of the top social media channels to do business! 

So why do so many of us shy away from leveraging this powerful platform? 

  • Uncertainty around key features?
  • Fear of getting it wrong?
  • Don't know how to connect with your audience effectively?

It's time to overcome Insta-fear and convert it to Insta-success!

Join us for an unmissable FEWN online networking event on February 9th from 11:00 am - 12.15 pm. 

Hosted by LEO Fingal and facilitated by FEWN Manager Sharon Rossignuolo, we are delighted to share the top tips and tricks on "Making Instagram Work for your Business" with our featured expert, Social Media Consultant Sharon Creedon.

In this highly interactive and value-packed session, Sharon will cover:

  • Instagram 2021 - the newest changes and how you can utilise them for business success.
  • Creating Instagram Stories that connect with your audience.
  • The journey from follower to buyer - how to get sales from Instagram.

FEWN events are a fantastic opportunity to network, learn, and discuss key topics with like minded business owners while creating that all-important network for your business. 

We look forward to welcoming you online.

About our Speaker

Sharon is a social media consultant based in Cork. With a background in sales and customer service, Sharon recognised the opportunity that the digital space held for SME’s. Sharon started her own business Scéal Digital in early 2018. She specialises in social media marketing, helping businesses to build their social media presence and grow the potential it holds for them in attracting and retaining customers. Sharon has become known as one of Ireland's go-to Instagram experts. Sharon is busy working mum of three young kids so she understands the time constraints that business owners experience.