Christmas Window Workshop for Retailers (6LEO17)

The Brehon Hotel, Killarney
Thursday 3rd October
9.30am to 4pm

Retailers, this Christmas do you want to create eye-catching and inspiring Window Displays that drive footfall and sales throughout the season? This workshop combines Window Display Design and Product Marketing tips to help you drive sales by maximising the effectiveness of your window display!



Retailers, this Christmas do you want to create an eye-catching and inspiring Window Display that drives footfall and sales throughout the season?

Do you want to visually represent the spirit and uniqueness of your business?

Do you want to market the right product at the right time?

This workshop has a mixture of Window Display Design and Product Marketing tips to help you drive sales by maximising the effectiveness of your window.

We will focus on designing the right type of window display for your business, and creating an individual strategy to help leverage your window displays in line with in-store and online trade through October - January.

Book your place now 


Morning Session:


Window strategy for Christmas

  • Introduction to Christmas Window Display for retail
  • WHO buys WHAT, WHEN? – knowing your market
  • Create a window strategy & identify risk 

Top tips for Christmas Windows to be proud of

  • Picking a theme
  • Product Planning
  • Best props to use, including supplier details 

Group Planning Session

  • Review all windows (photos & videos provided beforehand)
  • Choose Theme
  • Group discussion 

Afternoon Session

Window Planning practical

  • Design window
  • Plan strategy
  • One on one support & feedback 

Work that window!

  • Analyse your Store Window
  • Window changes & additional messaging
  • Sustainability at Christmas – tips and prop suggestions

Delivered by:

Lisa McCarthy, who has over 20 years’ experience shaping Customer Experiences for retail. Following 11 years running Visual Merchandising for Debenhams Ireland, she founded Spectrum Display. Lisa designs displays and creates environments that engage, inspire and enhance the Customer Experience.