
...Making It Happen

Energy Efficiency Grant - Apply Now!

Energy Efficiency Grant

The Energy Efficiency Grant supports investment in technologies and equipment of enterprises following on from a Green for Business Report, GreenStart Report or a SEAI Energy Audit with 75% of eligible costs from minimum of €1,000 to a maximum of €10,000.The aim of the scheme is to reduce the impact of enterprises on the environment thereby increasing the agility and resilience of these businesses, to operate in a sustainable manner.


This scheme supports all aspects of sustainability project expenditure associated with the operation of an enterprise including water, energy, circular economy, etc.


Enterprises may apply for Energy Efficiency Grant support to a max of €10,000 over the lifetime of the scheme, where the projects/equipment/products applied for have been identified on their Green for Business, GreenStart or SEAI Energy Audit to continuously support their sustainability journey.


Eligible Enterprises:

The Energy Efficiency Grant is open to small enterprises (with between 1 and 50 paid employees) who are engaged in an economic activity, irrespective of its legal form:

  • Have undertaken a Green for Business, GreenStart or SEAI Energy Audit undertaken by a registered energy auditor.
  • Are not currently clients of Enterprise Ireland or IDA.
  • Are established and trading for at least 12 months, registered and operate within the area of the Local Enterprise Office.
  • This grant aid is considered not to give rise to unacceptable deadweight (where the project would have proceeded anyway).
  • Are solvent as demonstrated in the financial statements supplied.
  • Businesses must have either:
    • A fixed premises that is commercially rateable. Businesses will be required to supply a commercial rates bill to verify this.

Or be:

    • An establishment which is approved within the Fáilte Ireland National Quality Assurance Framework. Businesses will be required to supply approval documentation to verify this.
  • Own the building/premises where the investment will take place or must hold a lease agreement on same, with at least 12 months remaining or agreed option to renew.
  • Where an enterprise has multiple business premises, it can apply for projects across each premises, subject to the overall limits set out per undertaking.
  • Any business that has a commercially rateable premises, or where rates are paid on their behalf and attributable in the rental or other agreement to the business premises they occupy, can apply.
  • Commercially rateable premises, where a business is rateable but is not currently rated by Valuation Office for a variety of reasons, can apply. Businesses will be required to submit documentation from a Local Authority demonstrating that they have a commercially rateable premises that is not currently rated.
  • A company, self-employed individual or partnership carrying on a trade or profession, the profits of which are chargeable to tax under Case I or Case II of Schedule D by virtue of section 18(2) of the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 (TCA). Pay As You Go (PAYG) customers are within the scope of the scheme.
  • Sporting bodies that carry on activities which would be chargeable to tax under Case I or II of Schedule D but for an exemption set out in section 235 TCA are eligible to apply to the scheme.
  • Charities that carry on activities that would be chargeable to tax as trading income, but for an available tax exemption under section 208 TCA, are also included within the scope of the scheme.
  • Businesses must have current tax clearance from Revenue. Businesses must supply a Tax Reference Number and a Tax Clearance Access Number to allow for verification of their Tax Clearance status on Revenue’s online portal.


Ineligible Enterprises:

  • Are operating solely from a domestic/home based office.
  • Companies with charitable status, commercial semi-state companies, “not for profit” organisations – which do not meet the above criteria, trade associations, company representation bodies such as Chambers of Commerce, Sporting Bodies – which do not meet the above criteria and other non-commercial bodies or associations are not eligible to avail of the Small Capital Grants.
  • Are operating in the coal or steel sector.
  • Are active in primary agricultural, fishery or aquaculture sectors.
  • Are involved in activities that the Local Enterprise Office considers as ineligible or as involving unacceptable reputational risk. Ineligible activities include activities relating to:
    • The gambling sector, including ‘gaming’ (as defined in the Gambling and Lotteries Act 1956).
    • Adult Entertainment.
    • Tobacco and tobacco related products.
    • Cannabis-based products which are not authorised as medicines.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list and Enterprise Ireland has a dynamic policy on several activities. Any queries in relation to the eligibility of an activity will be directed to the Enterprise Ireland Policy department who will assess the case.


Eligible Expenditure:

The Energy Efficiency Grant supports the investment in technologies; equipment and projects in environmental sustainability and circular economy measures as identified in or supported by a Green for Business; Green Start or a SEAI Energy Audit which are not already supported by the SEAI.

  • Meters (electricity, gas, diesel, oil, water, steam & loggers) and installation costs.
  • Smart energy controls e.g. heating, cooling, lighting, automatic on/off systems, parasitic load controls.
  • Replacement/upgrade with more energy efficient system e.g. Heat Pumps (including air, water and ground source) for manufacturing heating processes.
  • Heat Recovery.
  • Technology/Equipment replacement/upgrade must be more energy efficient than what was in place at time of application and can only be replace/upgraded if it is greater than 5 years old. Examples of eligible technology/equipment include refrigeration units, electric steam boiler, electric oven and an industrial dishwasher.
  • Eligible costs are equipment costs including installation and commissioning costs, where the equipment cost must be more than the commissioning and installation cost. Replacement/upgrade/new technologies and equipment for which the investment is applied for should meet the new criteria of the SEAI Triple E register if within the Triple E register scope. When the new Triple E register platform is operational, technologies and equipment in scope should be listed on the Triple E register. If not in scope, evidence is required to show improved energy efficiency and, if applicable, other reduced environmental impacts.


Ineligible Expenditure:

  • Solar Panels: a Solar PV grant is available under SEAI Non-Domestic Microgen Scheme - Non-Domestic Microgen Scheme | Business Grants and Supports | SEAI.
  • Biomass Boilers, Anaerobic Digestors - Support Scheme for Renewable Heat | Business Grants | SEAI provides operational support to biomass heating systems and anaerobic digesting heating systems.
  • Building energy upgrades e.g. heat pump for space heating, insulation, pumps, heat recovery on ventilation systems, energy efficient lighting.
  • Insulation.
  • Waste Treatment Systems.
  • Activities related to fossil fuels e.g. fossil fuel condenser boiler.
  • Mobile assets such as electric forklifts, air compressors etc.
  • Wind Turbines and Hydro Generators.
  • Computer Systems/Equipment.

This scheme falls under De Minimis rules relating to previous state support.

Note: De Minimis Aid is small amounts of State Aid given to an enterprise which cannot exceed €300,000 over any three fiscal years to any company irrespective of size and location. De Minimis Aid can come from any State body, agency or department.


Applications may be submitted to the Local Enterprise Office before 3pm on the 20th of December 2024 - contact