
...Making It Happen

Leading Your Small Business Through Covid 19

Online interactive workshop delivered via Zoom
5 online sessions: Weds 25th March, Thurs 26th March, Weds 1st April, Fri 3rd April, Weds 8th April
10am - 12pm
Business Training

This live online programme is for County Kildare based companies.

This event is no longer available

Leading Your Small Business Through Covid 19 

Entr Academy COVID 19 Course

In these uncertain times, Kildare Local Enterprise Office is a trusted advisor helping you navigate your business through COVID19.

Together with The Entrepreneurs Academy we have reacted quickly and pivoted and designed a programme specifically to support you, our SME and Micro Enterprise clients through the current challenges and changes to the business environment.

This programme will provide a safe space and equip you with tools required to help you assess the business situation and explore creative solutions.

This online programme will provide both structure to your week and help you quickly assess the situation and move forward with a greater degree of certainty, both for you and your teams.  At times like this we need focus, creativity, resilience, courage and good leadership to navigate these unchartered waters.

Course Delivery

This course is delivered over 5 two-hour live small group online sessions.

These will include learning-application-breakout discussions. 

Leadership and business experts from The Entrepreneurs Academy will tailor the programme to focus on your specific needs addressing topics such as:

  • Creativity and problem solving
  • Scenario planning your finances
  • How to get really innovative
  • Resilience
  • Risk assessment
  • Prioritisation
  • Leading yourself and others well
  • How to stay centred and focused and keep others focused
  • How to maintain real connection with remote teams and clients
  • Navigating change with courage and positivity

Course Dates

5 two-hour live online discussions taking place:

  • Weds 25th March
  • Thurs 26th March (please note date change here)
  • Weds 1st April
  • Fri 3rd April
  • Weds 8th April

Delivered by

EXPERT training team from The Entrepreneurs Academy

How to use Zoom

Click below to view a video explaining how to operate Zoom - the online platform that will host this course.

Click here to see how-to video

We will email you the details to log in, once you are registered.

entre academy

For other immediate business supports in response to Covid-19, click here.