Merchandising Masterclass – The Dubai Duty Irish Derby

Southwells, Market Square, Kildare town
20th May
2pm to 5pm

Get your shop window Derby ready with KCC’s Retail Window Merchandising grant. We offer grants for accessories, internal displays, backdrops, lighting, and shelving to make your window stand out from the crowd. Themed windows are a great way to create a buzz and bring the spirit of the festival alive on the streetscape.

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Merchandising Masterclass - Retail Window Merchandising Grant

20th May, 2-5pm at Southwells, Market Square, Kildare town

Get your shop window Derby ready with KCC’s Retail Window Merchandising grant. We offer grants for accessories, internal displays, backdrops, lighting, and shelving to make your window stand out from the crowd.

Themed windows are a great way to create a buzz and bring the spirit of the festival alive on the streetscape. Our support will help you create a standout window feature that will set you up for future derby festivals as well, with the added bonus of a merchandising masterclass.

The Merchandising Masterclass will take place on the Monday 13th of May, at Southwells Market Square Kildare town, book now to secure your spot, places are limited!

Find out more about the Retail Window Merchandising Grant and submit your application here