7pm to 9.30pm on Wednesday evenings
Start Your Own Business
The Start Your Own Business programme aims to help participants who are thinking of starting up their own business to develop an awareness and practical understanding of the steps involved in becoming self-employed and starting up their own business
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Start Your Own Business Programme - Begins 9th October
Start Your Own Business
This course will run on Wednesdays starting October 9th
7pm to 9.30pm
Location: Online
The Start Your Own Business programme aims to help participants who are thinking of starting up their own business to develop an awareness and practical understanding of the steps involved in becoming self-employed and starting up their own business....
The purpose of this course is to equip participants with the theoretical knowledge and teach them to apply it in a practical way, to start their own businesses.
• Identify the necessary skills and traits for entrepreneurship
• Learners will be able to understand the key steps in assessing a new business idea
• They will have a clear picture of the financial aspects of business, including lean operating
• They will understand the different company structures
• They will know the key fundamentals of developing sales and marketing strategies
• Realise the importance of social media in business
• They will be able to produce financial projections for their business idea
• Understand key taxation obligations
• Understand the basic principles of HR
• Have the necessary tools to create a business plan
• Be capable of carrying out market research and identifying a target customer
• Have the understanding for the requirement to create a USP or a clearly defined value proposition.
GDPR NOTICE: Photo and video content will be taken at this event for social media, reporting and promotion of future events. Please advise a member of the LEO team prior to the event, if you wish to be not recognisable in that content.
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