The Osprey Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare
The half-day, fully immersive, digital consulting session, led by Seánie Walsh, will be part Masterclass and part Workshop.
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The Seánie Walsh E-Commerce Initiative
Join us on 6th March 2019 at 9:00am for a unique digital opportunity! This business breakfast seminar is part of Local Enterprise Week and is being held in the Osprey Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare.
Find out more about applying for a Trading Online Voucher (TOV) by attending this seminar. Attendees will learn about ecommerce, the social media landscape and website development tools along with how to fill out the application form for the TOV grant.
The main speaker is Seánie Walsh, a Castlebar native and Creative Director of Los Angeles based, Business Rockstars will take you under the hood of the Social Media landscape, not only analysing the work they do for some of the most reputable brands in Ireland, but more importantly how those tactics and strategies can help you achieve the attention and objectives your business deserves. Seánie is unlike any other 25-year-old in this space in that he has never been to college and is recognised as one of the world’s leading Click Funnels experts. From the age of 13 he has been a highly successful disruptive e-commerce and social media entrepreneur. Seanie is also a partner and Creative Director in V353.
Eligible participants who attend the seminar will have the opportunity to avail of a €2,500 online trading voucher in order to enhance their online performance for their business during 2019. Speaking about the event and scheme, John Doris, Senior Enterprise Development Officer with Kildare County Council’s Local Enterprise Office, said “Even though there is currently an increasing trend in online spending, it is estimated that only 23% of small Irish businesses use eCommerce in any meaningful way and it is estimated that of all online purchases made in Ireland, 70% are done in overseas markets”.
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