COVID-19 Opportunity Webinar 01/04/2020
This event is specifically aimed at food businesses to help flush out opportunities and allow producers to switch what they are currently doing or evolve their offer to where the opportunities lie.
16.30 - 16.35 Time to log everyone in
16.35 - 16.40 Introduction and examples of food opportunities emerging
16.40 - 16.50: Local Enterprise Office Supports Mariea Mullaly including Q&A
16.50 - 17.00: Business Continuity - Cashflow Management and Bank Schemes
Yvonne Scully including Q&A
17.00 - 17:10: Amazon and the online opportunity - John Jenkins including Q&A
17.10 - 17.20: Supervalu - What's happening on the shop floor and where might
opportunities lie - Carmel Biggane including Q&A
17.20 - 17.30: Open forum - participant suggestions and questions
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