125131 Start your own business course No. 1 Autumn 2018

Abbey Business Centre
Monday and Wednesday for 5 consecutive weeks commences Monday 24th September for 9 evenings
7.00pm - 9.30pm
Start Your Own Business

Helping a new entrepreneur become 'start-up' ready, typically these training programmes run over the course of 5 weeks focusing on how to prepare business plans, what market research and marketing tools are available, how to manage cash flow and making the most out of technology. If you are setting up your own business for the first time, this is a practical course which will give you an understanding of all the requirements and challenges you are likely to encounter. One -to-one mentoring will also be provided as part of this programme

This event is no longer available

To provide participants with the skills to assess the viability of their business ideas and provide a strong understanding of the essential elements involved in setting up and running your own business

Modules to be covered include:

1. Starting up/Getting Started

2. Identifying, Understanding & Researching the Target Market

3. Tax, Law and Insurance

4. Financial Planning, (pricing, costing etc.) & Sources of Finance

5. Promoting your Business

6. Sales and Service

7. Basic Book-keeping

8. Developing your Business Plan

This course takes places on the following dates;

Monday 24th September, Wednesday 26th September, Monday 1st October, Wednesday 3rd October, Monday 8th October, Wednesday 10th October, Monday 15th October, Wednesday 17th October and Monday 22nd October.