IP Supports

IP Supports

Intellectual Property Strategy Offer - Available to LEO Leitrim Clients

Open to LEO Leitrim clients, the ‘Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy Offer’ is an additional Enterprise Ireland support to incentivise companies to develop an IP strategy, focused on capturing, managing and exploiting their R&D results to greater effect.

The focus on IP Strategy emphasises the importance of securing the full range of RD&I related IP assets (including patents, designs, trade secrets, copyright, trademarks etc) and deploying them strategically for the benefit of the business. The development of an effective IP strategy can assist companies in achieving their growth targets.

This offer seeks to assist companies to address common issues of (a) low IP awareness, (b) limited internal IP management capability and (c) the cost of obtaining external IP expertise. These capability and resource constraints are commonly reported by SMEs as key barriers to undertaking IP activity.

What is the IP Strategy Offer

This offer comprises of two separate grants: IP Start and IP Plus.

IP Start GrantIP Plus Grant
This grant supports companies to obtain the necessary external expert IP advisory and support services to address immediate IP issues e.g. prior-art research in support of an RD&I Technical Feasibility study; IP Audit of existing R&D output; draft and file a patent etc.This grant supports companies to obtain external expert IP advisory support services and to build the in-company IP capability which are necessary to implement a detailed IP Strategy. The IP Strategy should be aligned with the company’s RD&I and business development strategies. Advisor(s) and IP Champion will work collaboratively to implement IP related activities and transfer IP knowledge to the company.

Eligible Costs

The following categories of expenditure are eligible for support

Consultancy – Cost of external IP advisory and support services, including costs for obtaining, validating and defending IP, if applicable.
Salary – Salary cost for the portion of time an internal staff member(s) performs tasks assigned to the IP Champion(s) role.

In-eligible Costs

Costs ineligible for support include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Expenditure prior to date of application
  • IP acquisition costs
  • Licensing and royalty payments
  • Patent filing in relation to technology acquisition.
  • Professional fees to cover technical, commercial and legal due diligence
  • Legal and professional costs in support of IP rights enforcement actions
  • Sales related expenses
  • Trade Fair participation costs
  • Salaries
  • Consultant expenses.
  • Overheads

Funding Limits

IP Start

Eligible Expenditure

Consultancy - Up to 3 days @ €900 /day




Max Expenditure


Max Grant80%


IP Plus

Eligible Expenditure

Consultancy - at max rate of €900 /day

Salary - based on a gross salary (capped at €80K) daily rate for time spent on assignment 



Max Expenditure


Max Grant50%



  • Eligible applicants can apply a maximum of 3 times for each initiative (IP Start and IP Plus) but not concurrently.
  • Salary cost cannot exceed Consultancy cost or 50% of overall project cost (IP Plus).

Am I eligible?

An enterprise is eligible to apply if it satisfies all of the following criteria:

  • Irish owned firm operating in the manufacturing/ internationally traded services sectors.
  • Client company of Enterprise Ireland, a Local Enterprise Office or Údarás na Gaeltachta.
  • SME (Large companies may also request to apply for the IP Plus grant only and will be considered on a case-by-case basis provided that all other criteria are satisfied. Large companies must contact their Development Advisor before applying).
  • An RD&I performing company*

*To satisfy the RD&I performing criterion applicants must reference at least one linked RD&I activity in their application. This can be done, by referencing an activity supported under one of the following EI supported RD&I programmes, if applicable. If not applicable the applicant can provide alternative indicators of in-company RD&I activity such as, R&D spend from own resources, RD&I funding from other public and private sources, , R&D tax credit claim, patent filings, etc.

Eligible linked EI supported RD&IIP StartIP Plus
In-company R&D Support programmes (Agile innovation, Business Innovation Initiative and R&D Fund)YesYes
Innovation Partnership Programme (as industry partner)YesYes
Disruptive Technology Innovation FundYesYes
Commercialisation Fund (as industry commercialisation partner)YesYes
Innovative HPSU (6 months post investment)YesYes
European Space Agency ProgrammeYesYes
Exploring InnovationYesNo
Competitive Start FundYesNo
Innovation Voucher SchemeYesNo
Small Business Innovation ResearchYesNo

EI support programmes that qualify as linked RD&I activity.


  • Other RD&I schemes, administered by Enterprise Ireland and/or other public funding bodies, may also qualify at the time of application. Also, the list above will be updated periodically.
  • As noted in the table above, not all RD&I schemes are equally eligible for both IP Start and IP Plus)

How do I apply?

All applications for funding should be discussed with your Enterprise Ireland Adviser prior to submission.

Apply via the Enterprise Ireland Online Application System. First time users of the system will be required to register.

Optionally, you may complete the Expression of Interest Form and send by email to Email icon IPStrategy@enterprise-ireland.com. A relevant EI person will contact you to discuss it with you.

Any expenditure incurred prior to receipt of the application by Enterprise Ireland will not be eligible for grant aid.

What are the call close dates?

You may apply all year.

IP Advisor Directory

A directory of sample IP advisory service providers is maintained by Enterprise Ireland. The directory holds profiles voluntarily provided by service providers on their IP related expertise and services. The aim of the directory is to provide IP Strategy Offer applicant companies with examples of the range of IP advisory services available to them. The list is not exhaustive and is not an approved/recommended supplier directory. Companies do not have to select a service provider from the directory.

It is the responsibility of individual companies to identify the service provider(s) to meet their specific needs, so please ensure that you carefully read the ‘Guidance on using the IP Advisor Directory’ (page 1 of the directory) prior to selecting from the directory. Enterprise Ireland does not give any warranty, either express or implied, as to the qualifications or suitability of any of the persons on the directory of providers and Enterprise Ireland will not be liable for any loss and/or damage caused by a company’s decision to retain the services of such a service provider.

The IP Advisors Directory can be accessed here.

Service providers can apply to have their information added to the directory by completing this electronic form. Inclusion in the directory will be based on relevant IP experience and expertise and the directory will be updated regularly. If an advisor would like to update or delete their information at any time they should email a request to IPStrategy@enterprise-ireland.com.

Key contact/more information

Contact your Enterprise Ireland Adviser for more information. 

If you are not a client, please contact your nearest Enterprise Ireland regional office.

For more detailed information contact 
Contact Icon Joe Doyle
IP Manager, In Company R&D Supports Department.