Business Training
This short webinar will tell you everything you need to know about the TBESS Scheme and how your business can save money on your energy bills.
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This webinar will be facilitated by Sarah McGuinness from SMA Accounting Solutions.
The TBESS was introduced to support businesses with increases in their electricity or natural gas (energy) costs. If you have a qualifying business, it can make a claim for a Temporary Business Energy Payment (TBEP) of up to 40% of a business’ eligible costs. This is subject to a monthly cap.
The webinar will cover:-
- What is the TBESS
- Who can claim
- What energy costs are covered.
- Working from home / home office
- The Claim amount
- Examples of how the subsidy is calculated
- How to claim
- Registering on ROS
- Claiming the payments through ROS
- There will be an opportunity to ask the facilitator questions at the end of the session
This information session is open to everyone to attend but if over-subscribed priority will be given to Leitrim based businesses
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