LEO Meath invite businesses & sole traders based in Meath to avail of a FREE Brexit Customs Mentoring clinic. Attending this clinic, you will be given the opportunity to meet with a customs agent to discuss the particular circumstances for your business with regard to the documentary and procedural requirements that need to be put in place to ensure that your business can continue to trade with the UK post Brexit.
To discuss this service or to set up your appointment today, please contact Caoimhe Delany at caoimhe.delany@meathcoco.ie.
If you are a trader who imports / exports goods into / out of the European Union you will need an Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) Number. Your business MUST have an EORI number – to find out more or apply for an EORI number click here.
It is highly recommended that prior to your appointment you have attended a customs course or familiarised yourself with customs procedures. For details on customs training available please visit here.
Full info on our Customs Mentoring is available here.