Go Green - Green Funding & Tax Reliefs

1st June 2022
09.30 to 11am
Business Training

Discover green loan products as a vehicle of funding your investments. Learn what tax reliefs are available to companies supporting sustainability.

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Sean Farrell Seán Farrell, Head of Product Development, Marketing & Research at the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI), will give an overview of what green funding options are available to SME’s and farmers. He will give some insights on the new Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme, which is available to support the funding of your green investments.

Seán joined the SBCI in early 2019 from Bank of Ireland where he worked in roles including Regional Business Banking Manager and as the Bank’s Head of Agriculture. Seán has particular experience in the area of financial proposition and product design for the SME and Agri sectors in Ireland, and works with all of the SBCI’s stakeholders to deliver lending products for Irish SMEs, and to support economic development in Ireland. Seán also represents the SBCI on the European Long-Term Investors Association Management Board.

Rose TierneyRose Tierney from Tierney Tax Consultants will be in attendance to inform all parties on what tax reliefs are available to sole traders and companies supporting sustainability. The Accelerated Capital Allowance (ACA) is a tax incentive that rewards investments in energy efficient equipment by allowing the full cost of the capital equipment to be deducted from taxable profits. 

Rose is a Chartered Accountant FCA in Ireland and UK and a Chartered Tax Adviser CTA also in Ireland and the UK. This means she is dual qualified in Ireland and UK tax. Qualified in both jurisdictions and also practising in both.

Tierney Tax Consultants is an independent tax advisory practice with 30 years experience. The practice provides tax advice and compliance services across a range of tax heads in both Ireland and the UK.

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