If you want to set up your own business, you should consider doing a Starting your Own Business Course. This course brings the participants through all stages of preparing for a business start-up from planning and conducting basic market research right through to creating a business plan. Demand for this course is always very strong so if you are interested you should contact us as soon as possible. Courses are being held in Tullamore, Birr and Edenderry over six evenings and there is also a three day course in Tullamore.
Among the other programmes available are How to Market your Business Effectively, Using Facebook for Business, Introduction to Digital Marketing, New Product Development, Costing and Pricing, How to Keep Proper Accounts. Most of these courses are free to anyone in receipt of a Social Welfare payment.
The Local Enterprise Office is also running a six week Digital Marketing course which will the participants an indepth understanding of website marketing and social media marketing. This course is designed for those already in business.
For more information on any of the above courses, or other ways Local Enterprise Office Offaly can help your business, contact us on 057 9357480. The Local Enterprise Office is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Union under Ireland's European Structural and Investment Funds Programme 2014-2020.