Start Your Own Business Day Course

Monday 16th, Wednesday 18th, Monday 23rd, Wednesday 25th & Monday 30th September 2024
9.30am to 1.00pm
Start Your Own Business

5 session Online Start your Own Business course with trainer, Bernadette Farrell of ACE Training. Priority must be given to participants from Offaly.


Our START YOUR OWN BUSINESS course covers EVERYTHING you need to know about setting up your own business.

Over the 5 sessions, you will learn about:

  • Market Research - Is there an opening for your business and customers willing to buy from you?
  • Business Structure - Should you be a sole trader, a limited company or even part of a partnership?
  • Business Planning - A good business plan is necessary before you can apply for funding or a loan from your bank.  We will outline what it takes to create your own business plan.
  • Sources of Assistance - We will tell you about the supports for SME's from the Local Enterprise Office and other sources:  funding you might be entitled to, training we can offer to help you or your employees upskill, or access to an expert advisor to help you grow.
  • Taxation Issues - As a business owner you will need to understand income tax, VAT and possibly corporation tax.  Taxes can be complicated and overwhelming, so we will help you understand the basics to get yourself set up the right way from the beginning.
  • Promoting your Product/Service - Marketing is costly and time-consuming if it is not done right.  We will explain the most effective marketing channels for small businesses - many of which are free!
  • Managing your business - Business leaders produce results, and to do this, they need to manage people, resources, processes and money.  We will outline the basics of business management for a start up SME. Also you will get a valuable one to one mentoring session at the end of the course to help you get through the next steps in your particular business, or avail of supports you might be entitled to.

This course is FREE of charge to all Offaly based participants.



This training will be delivered by Bernadette Farrell of Ace Training