Time Management

Tullamore Court Hotel, Tullamore
Wednesday, 7th March 2018
9.30am to 4.30pm
Enterprise Week

This one day course is designed for Offaly based business people only. Trainer is Rob Marr of Consult Catalyst.

This event is no longer available

Poor time management is actually a lack of clarify on what task or effort is going to make the biggest impact.  

if you are spending too much time on people and tasks that deliver too little for you and your business this day is for you.  

We will show you how to:

  • Develop your people so you can delegate.
  • Use the four step rule of prioritisation.
  • Get rid of low value work.
  • Use the "Covey" quadrant.
  • Create a plan for your life and business.
  • Change your mindset towards your own value.
  • Implement daily habits that will transform your time management and put you completely in control.

The trainer is Rob Marr of Consult Catalyst.