
Today is ‪#‎ourcouncilday‬ ‪#‎ÁrLáSaChomhairle‬

Our colleagues at Roscommon County Council will be using the hashtags #ourcouncilday and #ÁrLáSaChomhairle on Twitter to talk about some of the services that they provide, including the business supports provided by Local Enterprise Office Roscommon.

Tar isteach sa chomhluadar agus nocht do chuid tuairimí faoi na seirbhísí atá á sholáthar againn!

Join in and talk to them about the services they are providing in your community today!

You will find details of all the services Roscommon County Council provides on http://www.roscommoncoco.ie.

You can follow them on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/roscommoncoco

This event is being run by Roscommon County Council and the communication departments in the other local authorities.