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Blogging for Business

Council Chamber, Floor 1, City Hall, Quay St., Sligo
Business Training

Interested in learning about why your website should have a blog, how to introduce a blog to your website or in improving your blogging skills? This 0.5 day workshop is for you!

This event is no longer available

Blogging for Business

Blogging has substantial benefits for your business, but either commencing a blog, or ensuring you have a well-written regular blog on your website can be difficult. The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge required to allow them to create an attractive and interesting blog, whether integrated into their existing website or stand-alone.

Participants will come away with an understanding of:

  • the benefits of blogging
  • opportunities for search engine optimisation through content and structure of their blog
  • how to set-up a stand-alone blog using some of the top blogging platforms
  • identify the best blogging platform for their type of content and objectives
  • best practice for content creation
  • integrating the blog with social media for optimized user traffic.