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Costing, Pricing & your Cash Flow

Council Chamber, Floor 1, City Hall, Quay St., Sligo

Covering Costing, Pricing & managing your Cash Flow in 1 day....can you afford not to attend?

This event is no longer available

Costing, Pricing & your Cash Flow!

Consideration of each of these areas in one day – can you afford not to attend!


This one day seminar will look at how products and services need to be costed to ensure a viable business.

 In costing properly, a business can price to be competitive. 

 Costing and pricing are features that contribute to good cash flow management.  There are other variables that will be looked at towards boosting a small businesses cash flow.

Hope to see you there the 4th May 2016 – diary now!

 *  For those that attend this one day seminar (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) … there is an offer of a 1:1 session with the trainer in subsequent weeks where you can address your own particular business needs on these areas.